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2005-01-19����1:59 a.m.
why im so tired.

i was going to wait till tomorrow to update because...

1) i have NOTHING of interest to say... not that i ever do... but i mean like... NOTHING right now.

2) i want to make food...

3) its chilly and i want to get in my bed...

4) im soooooo tired from lack of sleep last night...

oooh... theres something to talk about... my dream last night...

i wish i wrote this one down this morning like i usually do. it kept me awake until the sun came up and when i fell asleep it was time to get up and i jit snooze until i was almost late for work...
so... my dream... more of a freakish nightmare... here's why...

all of my dreams are stressful... its rare i just have some silly nothing dream... even work dreams... something goes wrong or its a packed day at the bar and i dont stop moving... and even in my dream, i have to think of the drink recipe... i have to make sure im making this dream drink right...
ahywho- last night...

it started out that i was at work after hours with a few of the guys that i work with and we were just hanging out and talking, having our after shift drink when we hear water splashing and snarling. (now... you have to understand where i work... i should have taken pictures tdday but i didnt think of it... theres a hurricane barrier... its a mechanical dam incase of abnormal rising water so our little city on the bay doesnt flood. its always open and i can see out into the bay... i have pictures of this somewhere... i work in a bar RIGHT ON THE WATER. we have 2 bars that are just on decks... on stilts... in the water...
this is going to be hard to explain... im being wayyyyyy to detailed... ill stop now)

so... were at work and were talking and we all stop to see what the noise is... when i look over (out into the bay thru the barrier) i can see this HUGE rotweiler/ doberman mix... its HUGE... like... almost looked like a werewolf. it was chasing something that was on the docks next door to our bar... heres the scariest part...
its feet were so big and strong and it was running so fast that it was running ON TOP OF THE WATER!!!!!!

it was moving so fast that it wasnt sinking... IT RAN ACROSS A FUCKING BAY!
but then it saw us... standing helpless... it lunged at us. jumped out of the water about 25 feet up, off of the waters surface, over a 3 ft tall railing and landed on the bar.

it moved so freakishly... like it was a werewolf... and it snapped at me and tried to hurt me. what the thing was origionally chasing reappeared and it flew off the bar and chased that instead.
i high tailed it home and made sure everything was locked up tight. apparently this wasnt the only one of these rabid weredogs because my dog started barking and when i got up to see what it was it was another dog on my front steps. (in reality and the dream it was cooooooold... its 2 degrees right now with a wind chill of -16)

so... my mom sees this old mangy looking mut (this one is white with black spots) and she feels bad and opens the door to it because she didnt want it to freeze. it is also abnormally HUGE. as soon as it sees me it lunges to get in and i slam the door on it and lock it. i scream at my mom to not open the door for the rest of the night.

i try to calm down and i go in my room to go to sleep. when i lay down i hear my window banging (i really was hearing this with the super strong wind gusts) but in the dream it was the first werewolf trying to get in! i had no defense... it was almost in... it had gotten the storm window loose and it was banging on the last glass seporating us...

it doesnt sound scary in this but im second guessing whether ill be able to sleep tonight... i was sooooooo scared. i got up to look for life in my house or to maybe watch tv because i couldnt sleep hearing my window banging... i could have sworn that was the most terrifying dream i have ever had...
so i woke up at 6am and layed awake until about 7:30...

thats why im tired now... i wish you could have seen it... ill work on a picture of it tomorrow... well... later today... also in a later entry... pictures from work...
and i took a lot of badass pictures tonight at lilis...

later today... when i wake up... PICTUREFEST 2005!!!!!!!!!!

love ya.

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