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2005-01-19����12:18 p.m.
i promised photos...

ok people... i promised pictures and i will make good on it... so here it is... the last 24 hours in photographs... 36 hours... eh- whatever...

when i got off the computer monday i went and made some toast...

i ate the toast and i got into the car...

to go meet my friend joe for pool...

joe everybody =)

after i kicked joes butt at pool (6-1) we crossed the street over to where i work... the hot club... (for some reason taking pictures of the OUTSIDE of an establishment always escapes me.... )

thats the small bar in the front room of the hc... i was working the big bar in the next room... unfortunatly... i didnt get a picture of that either...

but i did get a picture of these!

i goofed around work for a while and my friends kept me company... i ate food with my co workers for DR.MLK jr. day...

this is lisa and mike. lisa rocks the house. mike make sure the house stays safe. (mike was in my were wolf dream... previous entry)

after we were all done stuffing our faces we sat around wishing it were time to go home... especially josh...

i entertain myself staring at this building all night long... i wait for the red lights on the top of each tower to blink at the exact same time... they are all on different time intervals but once every 20 minutes they blink on and off at the exact same time...

i watch it with these eyes...

work was over and i was happy i could go home... and i bundled up...

then last night i went to lilis and played some pool and drank some hard cider... i had some fun with my camera.

lilis- darkest bar in providence... will hold this title for yeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrsssssss.

mike s- owner, hater of light

these pictures- all taken without a flash as to
1) not disturb the game
2) not bother mike s
3) not bother patrons
4) not get kicked out =)

i had a little to much fun with them...

i took about 40 pictures... i had a lot of fun... ^this one is my favorite...

when i got home last night... i found this in my house...

her name is remy... my sister got this dog for her boyfriend for valentines day last february... less than one year... she is comming to live with us for good. i love this little thing...

ok... so maybe it wasnt really picture fest but i got stuff to do... like sit on my ass and check my e-mail every 5 minutes and eat... oh wait... thats what im doing RIGHT NOW!

comming soon: pictures of the OUTSIDES of places i go...
i wonder if i can get video on here... im going to try... =D

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press