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2005-05-25����11:08 p.m.
tacobell and my emotions...

so... im sitting here eating taco bell for the second time in 4 days and im not sure why... the other day i was eating it because veeH1 must have one killer fucking contract with TB because every 4 commercials was one of theirs... fuckers... i had been watching tv for about an hour and a half (and i hate tv... i never watch it) but the one time i do TB entices me out of the house and into the car (which is silly because you can literally see TB when you get to the end of my street...) but they didnt talk me out of my pjs...

yup... in all my stars moons and cloud glory i went to get food... and i sat for 45 FUCKING MINUTES to get 3 chalupas... (they sold me on the club one till i ate it.)
i came home and ate them all... really fast... and drank a soda bigger than my head...

and here i am... eating my second chalupa at 11:15pm... pathetic... i bitch about all the weight im gaining and how my clothes dont fit and i dont have money to get new ones (and if i did i would use it to get a bed instead)

so... i can bitch no more...

but i have decided that im not eating this food because i want it... or i need it... im eating it because it reminds me of my friends... ill use anything i can to trick myself into thinking they are here... but alas... ive never had TB in my pjs before this week... and not in my house in... 8 years...

sigh- i miss you guys...

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