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2005-05-27����11:04 a.m.
arrivals and departures...

taking 5 minutes from cleaning and preping for nathys arrival... so fucking excited and feeling a little like its not really happening... =)

i talked to wendy and joe briefly last night while they seemed to be having an uber domestic time playing with neices and nephews and waiting for the pizza man... i wish i was a fly on the wall... it must have been adoreable.

so... i was at work yesterday and these 2 rather attractive boys came in and were being very sweet and cute and we started talking about the weather... thats what you talk about at a bar with someone you dont know and are mildly attracted to... if your me anyway... or a 67 year old man... but...

they asked if i was enjoying the gloom outside... (it wasnt raining but it was grey as could be) and i said that it was ok as long as this weekend when my friend is up from georgous texas that we get to spend a little time outside if even for one day... and one of the guys said

"you want the sun?"

"yes... but i can save it for this weekend"

and he said...

"if you want the sun... all you have to do is ask for it"


"ask for the sun... and you'll get it... you havent asked for it yet"

and like a movie scene the coulds split and he was turned into a sillhouette by the sun comming down from behind him in the sky lights and the rays reflecting off the water... and i laughed so hard and thought that was funny and cute and we talked a little more about the phenomenon and i turned around to use the register and i heard the quite one say
"just ask her if she'll sleep with you"

i let it go... he was cute... i would have done him...

but... my 5 minutes turned to 15 and i have loooooooots of stuff to do still...

be good and have a great holiday weekend!!!!! ------------------------------------- so... i finished writing this thing and i was in such a hurry to go the i left out my favorite part of the "you have to ask for it story" i mentioned that i talked to wendy and joe last night... well... i had a dream that joe cam up behind me and grabbed me but i couldnt see his hands (other wise i would have known who he was... ) and i kept moving so i couldnt see his face... so i looked down at his shoes and i knew it was him and i was hugging him and laughing and wendy came running up and we were all hugging and crying and laughing and i said "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!!!!!YOU SHOULDNT BE HERE YOU JUST MOVED!" and wendy looked at me and said "you asked us to come home... all you have to do is ask" ok- thats it... errand time.

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press