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2005-01-24����4:09 p.m.
the day after...

another day... another pain...

i had to shovel my little ass of to find my car... i managed to get stuck in my own drive way while i was just trying to move the car so i could shovel easier... the toughtest part of all... getting to the car to clean it off... so when i got in it to move it i wouldnt end up in the middle of the street... in order to get near the car... i had to shovel... only to throw all the snow from the top of my car down onto where i had just cleared the ground... bah... and now my back and shoulders are killing me from shoveling a 4 car drive myself...

thats what i get for being so happy that my family did all the walks yesterday... i forgot about the drive...

anyway... the snow is done and the sun is out and i was outside in just a long sleeve tee and jeans shoveling cause it felt like it was 60 degrees out... maybe cause its been so cold lately... i dont know the weather thou so maybe it really WAS 60 out...

i tried to build you guys a snow man but the snow is to powdery... maybe wednesday when its been a little melted and its all wet and heavy.

i have a feeling i have to work today. yesterday i heard we were supposed to stay in state of emergency until tuesday. not that ill work very hard tonight but thats the thing... ill make $2 in tips if im lucky... and im NOT KIDDING AT ALL.

who goes to a bar on the water when there is 2+ feet of snow on the ground... not me if i could help it.

boots called me last night to tell me he was at lilis. bastard. hehhehe.
the funniest part of it all...
that mikey s felt the need to open so he drove down there in his dad 4 wheel drive truck and opened the place and bartended himself and didnt make a cook or a cocktail waitress come in... hes kinda antsy... i bet he didnt open for the money... he opened for the company... but man... i would have loved to have been there... no one in the joint but people i knew... playing pool...

i guess i should have taken the apartment upstairs when i had the chance... =)
that would have just been bad... i wouldnt be able to pay my rent. hehhehee

but i would be like norm from cheers. lord knows jonah who lives upstairs is...
im rambling and sleepy...

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press