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2005-02-03����2:18 p.m.
the creepiness continues...

well.. seeing i was distraught over my entry an hour ago... starting out the afternoon with nothing good to say and then briefly talking about the weirdness in my house... i seem to have peaked some interest...

now... for the good one...

first off... i have only lived in 4 places in my life.

#1- a nice apartment in the wrong part of rhody. i remember it being huge... (probably because i was 0-5 in the house and everything thing is huge when your midget stature) but i was 5 when we moved out of there and i have no recollection of anything strange in that house... ok... little things... but nothing that could be considered supernatural...
i remember getting up in the middle of the night and we had a really awseome space heater that again... what gigantic... thou i really think it was... there is a picture of it some where next to our very stylish 60's green leather recliner... i think it almost matched this height of the top of the chair... thats big for a heater if you ask me... but the coolest part about it was you could see the flames in the front of it... it was more like a gas fireplace without the cheesy logs... the freakiest thing about that house?
my mom growing giant cacti and wanted to keep them warm on cold nights would put them near the heater...
getting up in the dark when your 4 is scary enough... let alone seeing the silhouette of a cactus in front of flames that actually resembled the silhouette of a hell dog in front of flames... it doesnt sound that scary written out... but god damn would i run to the bathroom and then back by it to my room and jump under the covers... (thank god for bunk beds...)

#2- another apartment with i think is only a few blocks away from #1. this one... scary for its own reasons... if you look at the normal behavior of cockroaches compared to these super-mutant-fear-nothing-motherfuckers we lived with for 2 years. these god dammed things woulndnt move for anything...
usually... light= cockroaches scattering and hiding...
NOPE. light meant they could see you and see what you were doing and get right up in your face. taking a shower...
i think they lived for shower time. they would gather on the walls and the floor and just watch you. believe me people... there is no way to feel clean when you have just showered in the presence of prehistoric bugs... no way..
freakiness? ok... well, my mom and her worthless boyfriend would go do the laundry on the weekend and leave us kids there at the apartment. my older sister was 14 or 15 and knew what to do if anything happened. usually while they were gone we would sit and eat cereal and watch wresting or play atari. we were good kids... not pyros or anything (until later) and the weirdest things would happen when it was just us kids... there were windows on either side of the tv.
the blinds would fly away from them as if there were 70mph winds gusting outside... but the windows were closed. the phone would ring and it would be raspy breathing... (not a heavy breather... just distressed sounding.) the television would come on and off at will and so would the atari...
the walls would drip this creepy maple syrup in places and then be clean. but nothing when my mom was around... nothing when anyone but us girls were there alone. but when your a kid... you dismiss that stuff... or i did anyway.
the freakiest part about this 6 apartment building... was that the little boy down stairs had an outie belly button. to this day i cannot get the image out of my head. it looked like a cabbage patch belly button... CREEPPPPPPY....

#3- the apartment i lived in for 12 years of my life. this time in an ok neighborhood... not all the drive bys and shooting like the other one... nope... this neighborhood was just full of bars that opened at 8 am it seemed and scumbags sitting on the wall of the police substation across from the bar... drunk off their ass at noon, offering me and my 10 year old friends " a thousand dollar for one hour".
but this house... this is the one everyone got creeped out it..
i remember on multiple occasions getting hit with things sitting alone in my room with the door shut. pencils and paper balls from out of no where. thats how it started.
my little sister caught the brunt of it i think.
she spent most nights sleeping on the couch because our room was the worst. she would wake up and fly out of the room to go find my mother... she had some excorsist/ donnie darko shit going on.
she would talk about the bed moving like there was someone under it kicking it and punching it... then she would wake up because she heard people talking to her..
for an 8 year old she was pretty quick. she thought... ill wear head phones to bed so i cant hear them... and she did... but they didnt go away. they would say things like "wake up jenny" "its time to get up".

i think my favorite story of that apartment is this one...
i would see what i could only call a ghost walk by my bedroom door. i can even describe him. he was tallish... over 6 feet... and he wore black pants and a black shirt and a baseball cap. sunglasses and he had a goatee... if he had been a human... i may have found him attractive. i wasnt scared by him... not at all... most of the time he would just walk by my room... maybe two or three times a night and every now and then pause and lean on the door way but never cross the threshold it was almost like he was checking on me... making sure i was ok...
i had never told anyone... ANYONE about the things i saw.
and here it comes... the infamous ONE DAY...

ONE DAY, my friend danielle was at my house. she would come over all the time. we were practically inseparable for 4 years. she would come over and every now and then say "is there someone here? i thought i just saw someone walk by" (when we were alone)

i mostly dismissed it to not freak her out and would deny it and make fun of her for saying things like that... until.. that ONE DAY when she was standing outside of my room on the phone. the phone hung on the outside of my door in the kitchen. if you faced one way... you were looking at a closet door. the other... into my room.
she was talking to her mother when she looks to her right, jaw drops, she throws the phone, and runs into my bed room where i am sitting on the bed watching this all happen. she is shaking and near tears. i asked her what was wrong.
she described him to me perfectly. at first she thought it was a friend of my sisters or someone we knew but she said it was obvious that wasnt a human. she refused to come in my house after that... everything we did was "meet me outside" or "come to my house".

THAT my friends is freaky...
im tired of typing and nothing terribly interesting has happened in this house... not enough to scare me... so thats #4... my last entry...

im out!

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