
Lisa - 2005-01-21 13:56:50
Boys, boys, boys... What to do? I have no advice for this one. I know what you mean about not wanting to hurt anyone, yet boys are so sensitive and someone always winds up getting hurt one way or the other. On the whole wanting to be with someone without getting sick of them in a few weeks...just take one day at a time. Don't try and pressure yourself into having a relationship or making something out of nothing. Just some thoughts... much love
Lisa - 2005-01-21 13:57:41
Boys, boys, boys... What to do? I have no advice for this one. I know what you mean about not wanting to hurt anyone, yet boys are so sensitive and someone always winds up getting hurt one way or the other. On the whole wanting to be with someone without getting sick of them in a few weeks...just take one day at a time. Don't try and pressure yourself into having a relationship or making something out of nothing. Just some thoughts... much love
Gumphood - 2005-01-21 14:21:20
Maybe he's "boots" cause you keep him warm when he's just wearing boots. SOrry. I agree. Do you think you need someone loyal or interesting to date more than a month...why no one that you have dated recently? Just questions.
Jackie - 2005-01-21 15:33:23
Just go with the flow. If you like him, don't deny yourself. You're young, have fun! Who says you have to get serious? Life is short, and you're not going to be young forever (trust me on that one), take advantage of it. Then when you're 34 you can have a diary like mine and tell all your wretched stories. =)
Black Giraffe - 2005-01-21 18:40:47
I am the last person in the world to give advice on such matters. From reading my diary, you know to keep your grain of salt handy for when I speak. But your description of your attraction to Boots makes it sound like it comes much more naturally and that it works out well for the two of you because you both have time for each other. Fear of hurting him is very considerate on your part, though, and he sounds a little like me in terms of vulnerability. I don't know, though. I guess what everyone else said- don't try and start labeling things and etch it all in stone. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Don't do anything out of obligation, like I see myself doing a lot lately and probably shouldn't. But then again, it comes back to the question: what do I know about relationships? Not much.

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