
Gumphood - 2005-07-29 19:45:27
Holy shit. I'm so sorry.
Jackie - 2005-07-31 11:28:22
I think it sucks that he did that. The picture said it very well. I hope you start feeling better soon. =)
Phil - 2005-08-01 21:47:29
Delurking to say - he's pond scum and you have a wonderful finger. Long, elegant, no visible hangnails and it gives a perfect vertical fuck you.
Kelly - 2005-08-01 22:38:36
damn. I'm sorry. He's made a huge mistake. *hugs*
Kelly - 2005-08-08 20:27:41
you ok honey?
kp- - 2005-08-09 12:22:34
im ok... =)

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