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2005-09-24����8:06 p.m.

ok... well... i have been home and i am moved in and settled in my new home...

in this new home i do many things the same... and many things different than in my old house... for instance...

i lay in bed and watch tv a lot...
i never did that at my last home beacuse...

i did not have a tv in my room looming over my bed like i do here...
i had such an uncomfortable bed that when i was awake... i was out of it...

i spend sometime on my computer now that danny has built me a wonderous computer desk...

i spent ALL my time on my computer in my other home because there was nothing else to do...

i dont take as many photos of myself here...
why? no black background... i had to leave it behind...

i take lots of pictures of danny...
why? because he cant tell me to stop if he is sleeping and doesnt know im taking them in the first place =)

i have to be at workin a short time... and i have to say... as nice as it is to go in at 9 so i can sit around and be a fat fuck... i really liked going in at 7pm and making a few bucks before my 2nd bartender got on and leached half of my money...

now i get to go in and have my money be leached without making between $40-$100 to keep all to myself.

i hate my new schedule because i still have to work with... oh... im sorry... lets rephrase that... i have to work AROUND the 2nd bartender and make a bunch of money to split later... blow me...

AND... i only have technically 1 closed wall in my bar... and its getting cold at night down on the water... so... i get to bundle like a fucking eskimo and have hot flashes and get pneumonia from whipping off 3 layers from sweating and have the sweat freeze and have to but said layers back on...

but really.
im actually in a good mood and i should stop bitiching about work because... who knows?
maybe it wont be so bad...

maybe ill make some money...

and if it completely sucks and i make nothing... at least i am there 2 less hours than usual.

AND i get to come home and sleep with my boy and wake up and go to breakfast and then come home and watch movies all day...

i got a netflix account... i forgot how great they were...

food... then clothes... then makeup... then work...

love ya~

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