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2005-05-06����4:09 p.m.
a small update and good news

i got cable modem. i just have to state that this fabu and i cant believe i stayed stuck in the stone age. i fucking love this.

i have been rather lazy when it comes to updating... and i think i say that every time i get on my lazy ass and write... but i have been informed that i really have to start updating a lot more now that w& j are no longer here in rhode island with me.

they got married yesterday... 05-05-05... cinco de mayo... i was at work slinging coronas and magaritas and the occasional miller lite.

i made a nice chunk of change... but i would much rather have been at my best friends wedding.

a brief update on my vacation might be something interesting to write about but it just makes me miss nathan even more... we have way to much fun together... and i know it wont be exactly the same when i move down there. cause yes... i plan on moving to texas in the fall. with my best friends gone... i have no reason to stay in rhode island and i really have no desire to move to a place that has the same extreme weather conditions. i hate snow... i never want to see snow again...

any who-
i know it wont be all the fun and going out evey night and going to a different restaurant for every meal... ill have to get a job and have some responsibility but man... it would still be a blast when we got to hang out.

as always i took a million and a half pictures and put 25% of them on flickr... i think its more fun to see my vacation in pictures...
i had fun everyday and smiled more than anything... laughed and meant it and didnt get a migraine (a headache here and there) but no debilitating midgraines the whole time i was there... i dont think its my stress level... i think its my latitude and longitude. i have no stress... i love my life. i look forward to everyday and i even have the best job i could ever ask for... me... stressed? i think not...

im doing a bad job of summarizing my vaca but... you get the point...

best news ive gotten all... my life?


hes never been to new england or the east coast at all... its going to rock the house. he is only here for 4 days but im going to make them the best 4 days ever. i get to be the tour guide with all the cool spots and the fun things to do... i just hope i do as good a job as he does.

and i hope i can find somewhere for him to sleep... i still live with my parents and they really dont like the over nite guests... which i cant blame them but this is not like that... there will be no naughties going on...

nathan one of my favorite boys but were not doin it... seriously.
i think i have to take my sister to get her newly windshielded car... some asshole smashed it for fun when they went around my quiet neighborhood and smashed a bunch of things for fun.

so... go look at my pictures and ill have more soon... now that it doesnt take me an hour to get logged on.

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press