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2005-02-22����11:21 p.m.
burning desire...

...on a non bitching note...

i was retarded the other night... but i had fun...
sunday boots called me and said he was at lilis and that he would be there a little while longer and he would like it if i went down for a bit.

im not really into hanging out at lilis too much anymore because i have deemed myself "on the wagon" after the v-day happenings. (i havent had a drink since then... i know... not that long... still an accomplishment for me)

but i went down, i figured i wasnt feeling well anyway and i could go for a short time and not mind leaving early. i was sitting at a table with boots and his brother and friend brian and some girls... we were sittng around laughing hysterically because brian is INSANE. it felt so good for my stomach to hurt from laughing and not anything else.

when i came in boots was talking to a girl. we went and joined his brother and friends at the table and he kept talking about her... she played a badass game of pool and beat the owner like a champ. boots jumped out of his seat and said "i have to go shake her hand. that was amazing!"

he ended up playing her next and she beat him too. then it was my turn. i got up there and beat the poor sweet girl and i looked at boots and said "oh... but your not going to jump up and shake MY hand are you?"

he didnt dig that to much.

i lost my next game and spent the rest of the night getting cutsie with the bootsie. i never realized how irresistable he is and how much i actually ADORE the boy. i dont want to get all gushy because when ever i do in 2 weeks i end up bitching about how wrong i was and what a jerk he is.

we both stayed a lot longer than we wanted to because it has come to that we might get to see each other once a week now. (this will only get worse as the weather gets beter because ill start working more... i suppose he could come see me at the bar but i miss my life not happening from behind a 2 foot wide counter)

we left around 12:15am deciding we had both over stayed and walked out together.

after a very sweet verrrrrry great good night kiss we parted and went to our cars. he called me to tell me he had to warm up his car and i agreed that i had to do the same and in the sweetest most heart wretching voice he said "i wish your were in my car with me while it warms up... "

i told him to give me a minute and i would make his wish come true. i went and parked next to him the the lot at the end of the street and jumped in his car while mine sat running... and running... and running... and running...

had i not been the... virginal... sweet... religious... celebate... angel that i am... it would have sat running a lot longer while i finally got some... ok... thats a lie... had people stopped driving thru the stupid parking lot... i would have got some...

im not to proud...
but after a whole lot of talking about it we decided that we were both... completely willing to do it anywhere... but pried ourselvs away and went home.

i would do anything to get laid rignt now people... ANYTHING.

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press