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2005-01-29����1:03 a.m.
my day in lists...

so... as you guys may know i am a computer loser...
i.e. i spend 12 hours at a time on the computer...
there are a maximum of 4 websites i jump between when i am online...

one of them is myspace...
when i am REALLY bored i hit up the "forums" section of myspace and answer really stupid/ silly questions other bored people ask...

my favorite is the "name what you did today" topic... lets review shall we?

1. woke up at 12:30pm
2. wrote down the dream i had on the closest piece of paper so i wouldnt forget it.
3. got up and went to see if my mom was online... she was...
4. made some buttered toast.
5. turned on the t.v and flipped around...
6. ate said buttered toast
7. put on "render" the ani difranco dvd.
8. watched half of the dvd
9. got a phone call
10. ignored the phone call
11. got another phone call
12. answered the phone
13. talked to jayson and convinced him i still loved him and made him a little jealous by telling him i had 2 dates tonight.
14. (i really had 2 dates...)
15. hung up with jayson
16. took a shower
17. *not mentioning*
18. dried and curled my hair
19. did my make-up
20. put p.j's on
21. got on couch
22. put on "who wants to be a millionare"
23. went in my room and did 2 crossword puzzles
24. photographed my horoscopes in the newspaper for the last week
25. left my room to see if anyone was online (they were)
26. got mac and cheese with crushed fried hamburg in it
26.5. (i forgot this one till i was at#41... got call from the boy... he cancelled... he's sick)
27. ate it to fast
28. watched the end of "2 mules for sister sarah" with my dad
29. started watching "any which way but loose" on couch with dad
30. checked to see if anyone was online (they werent)
31. got online at 6:40pm.
32. got more dinner
33. ate it to fast
34. watched "any which way but loose" out of the corner of my eye
35. got a phone call
36. answered it
37. when they got another call, i agreed to let them call me back
38. when they called back, i ignored it
39. texted with boots hoping for something to do
40. he said he'd call when he knew the plan...
41. still waiting for him to call (its 1:20am)
42. checked myspace, flickr, diaryland
43. read anyone who updated since last night
44. wrote a new entry
45. bounced back and forth between diaryland, myspace, flickr and craigslist.
46. put on TLC and i am watching "what not to wear" (my favorite show)
47. debating getting off the computer and...

a)laying on the couch and watching the rest of this show
b)sitting here watching the show and bouncing between sites checking e-mail all night long
c)getting off computer, going in bedroom, getting under the blankets, do crossword puzzles until i cant keep my eyes open.
d)make something to eat because i have not eaten enough...

i guess i left all that out... i ate a lot today...

keeping with lists i ate
*buttered toast
*ramen noodles
*cheese its
*new york super fudge chunk ice cream
*buttered toast
*mac and cheese w/ hamburg
*mac and cheese w/ hamburg (again)
*crackers (sociables, cheese its, toll house butter crackers
*new york super fudge chunk ice cream
*buttered toast

and i wonder why im gaining weight so rapidly... maybe its BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER!!!!

thou... i did hold back from putting the 2 liter bottle of coke in the fridge and drinking thatinstead of the 8 pints of water i had...

i think im going to check my sites *one* more time... then lay on the couch like the fat ass i am becoming...


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