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2005-01-29����4:53 p.m.
me no wanty worky...

i actually have to work tonight...
last saturday= blizzard
saturday before= sick

as much as i like making money and as much as i know that once i get to work i wont care and will maybe even have fun... i just dont feel like going.

everyone went out last night and had a blast while i sat here wishing for something to do...
i knew this would happen...
winter makes me so lazy.

im glad that i didnt go out in a way... i didnt spend money and smoke a ton of cigarettes and i dint drink... but i feel my social life slipping away quickly.
i just dont like the cold.

i hate the feeling of getting in a freezing cold car and going somewhere and getting that chill in my bones that i just cant shake. then sitting around being a boozehound and getting back in my cold car to come home.

boots sounds like he had a fun night... he went to "rock and roll high school" which is a new friday night thing at "club hell" downtown. there was talk of beerfor a dollar and a hot girl dancing on the bar...
ive grown out of hell...
ive never been to rock and roll high school but i use to go to "80's night" all the time...
i looked forward to it every week.

its time for another change.
its really boring to quit smoking and drinking all at once... i feel like i have to shut myself in to avoid doing either...
and i have no friends...

i have my bar friends... people i know ill see when i walk into lilis but they are wearing on me...
i have friends that call me to go out but i can predict where they are going and who will be there too so i dont answer when they call...

i cant whine about not doing anything when the situation presents itself and i just dont care...

so ill stop now...
need to find food...
and get ready for work...
and shorty after...
get in my cold car...

i hope i at least make a few bucks tonight.
im also sick of being broke.

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press