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2005-01-22����5:51 p.m.
my date...

so... boots and i went out last night. he came to get me and we went to get some pho.. the vietnamese soup i rave about and could live on... they bring out a plate of bean sprouts with fresh salantro and lime and little green hot peppers... i was sharing with boots about the tricks my friends and i play on one another when were eating our magic soup... somone is always going to end up with one of the peppers in their tea or soda... soup... rice... anything...

i was telling him that i took the tiniest bite of one... my lips swelled and my food didnt have a taste because i had seared the tastebuds off my tongue with the fire pepper... to which the manly man replies "their only hot if you eat the seeds... "
he picks up a half slice... no bigger than a nickle and starts chewing away... not a seed on the thing... immediatly his eyes start watering and he starts coughing... i of course... burst out laughing at the terrified look on his face.

the rest of dinner went well and he said he liked what he could taste of it =)

then what else am i going to want to do on a friday night than play pool?

so thats what we did. boots is a really great pool player but i do have to say... we have very close nights... last night included. usually we keep count but we didnt last night... after 5 pint sized margiritas i dont really rmemeber how many games we played let alone who won what... yes folks... it was a good night... including my jump shot that won the game...

boots and i had a very serious conversation in the car and i told him how i feel about him and why i hadnt let myself get to close to him and understandable he was a little taken back and just kept saying but i dont know if i can trust you. and i told him i understood that but i tried my best to explain i dont want him to be another one of the guys i have been "dealing with" (as my friend alyah would call it)

and may i say... for this record... i have never met anyone who kisses like that!
and sometimes thats a bad statement... and i have my stories of that... but god damn! boy could kiss the pants off a naked person!

what ever that means...

well, i have to get off the computer and get ready for work... we are in hour 3 of the snow for the big blizzard and the last thing i want to do is leave never mind leave to go to work... but ill be stuck there till 3 am because heaven for fucking bid we close and let people get homw safe and stay there... nope... those 3 regulars (one of which owns a bar) would just freak if they couldnt come drink until 9pm...

after that... i bet we can count the number of people who walk in the door... but you know what... ill do it... and if i crash and die in a horrible icy accident... maybe it will be best for future HC employees... maybe they can go home early when we know were getting a foot of snow...

we'll see...

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press