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2005-01-14����8:55 p.m.
my supermarket fun

ok ok i solved the dilemma...

order food or get off my whiny lazy ass, put on a bra for the first time in 3 days and head out the door.

i went to the market... and before i left i programmed the pizza places number in my cell so i could call when i was leaving the market and pick up my food as it was getting put in a bag...
this didnt work like i planned...

i got to the store and now... here we go with the ocdness again... i have to...HAVE TO... go up and down every aisle knowing full well i only went for 5 things... this is a problem...
if i skip an aisle... i have to go back and start all over... dont ask me why... i cannot explain it... its just how it goes... so this is also a problem... no matter how much or how little i need... i end up spending over $100...
thats not so bad when your buying meals and food and things... but i buy cookies and crackers and stickers and greeting cards and hair accessories and ice cream. the only thing i got that can be considered a meal is turkey and ham cold cuts and a loaf of bread.

what a dinner...

so because i spent $100.62 at the market i decided to forget the take out and find something to eat amongst the treasures i picked up at the store... and here i am... with a ham and turkey sandwich. yum....

and heres the other thing!
i was saying that i dont like to leave the house without putting effort into my appearance... well... i did... not to much... but enough for me to be able to get out of the car once i got to the super market. im wearing the same shirt ive had on for 2 days a pair of jeans i should have washed wednesday (my laundry day) and my leather jacket. i threw my greasy hair into a dube and slapped on some war paint...

well... some guy must have been traveling the aisles as i was because we kept almot crashing into one another doing our u -turn at the end of the next... well... i decided that us giggiling at eachother at the end of our respective aisles was getting a little silly seeing he was in his early to mid 40'S. so i did it... i broke the chain and i skipped a few aisles... all of the cook ware... i saw him again in frozen foods and felt him stare me down as i ogled the ben and jerrys cooler... as soon as he turned the corner i grabbed my pistatio pistatio and new york super fudge chunk pints and i was off...

i hit the bread aisle because i had to and ducked into the greeting cards because... well, because its my favorite aisle and i skipped it and it would drive me nuts if i went home wondering what was new... i flipped off all the valentines day cards and gift bags with hearts on them and i was on my way to check out when i realized i forgot to go to the deli... deli isnt an aisle... its a whole wall in the back of the store... i run and grab my cold cuts and i jump in line behind who else? than a woman who has an atm card... but doesnt understand the magnetic strip or the pin number... i can feel him... smell his flannel getting closer... i can hear the rattling of the off kilter wheel on his shopping cart... and he appears... in my line... and giggles as me... as he has done... for the last 45 minutes... everytime i saw him...

i give him a friendly smile good bye and i run to my car thinking all the time...

"for a sick gross piece of shit... you must look ok right now." =D

oh... and i forgot the tissues... damn skipping aisles...

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press