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baking and the interrobang - 2008-08-23
blababling - 2008-08-16
updating updates - 2008-08-04
loverly return - 2006-06-09
oooh yay... another year... - 2006-01-02

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2005-01-12����5:02 p.m.
sad sad sick soul

so... to be honest with you... and myself i guess... i just sit on this computer hoping someone will send me an email...
leave me a comment...
post something for me on myspace...

i lazy around and check my mail when i come on in the afternoon... i go to all my respecive sites doing all of the tasks i like to do daily...

diaryland: check my stats and comments...
read up on my updated buddies...
check my notes over and over to see if anything has changed...
check to see if anyone has added me as a favorite journal or a favortie entry... (thou i guess i would have to write something funny or whitty or porfound to be one of those)

i update and then i more on...

my space... look at my groups for updates, i check my mail, look at my comments, check my blog for comments, go to forums, check mail, compare my site views to the last time i was on... hope something changes and someone sends me a message.

then i check out craigslist and freecycle and sometimes if i just dont want to get off the computer for fear of missing something... ill look around on ebay even thou i know i have a problem with loving it and when i buy one thing... i buy 12 to follow...

but ive been good and ill browse and make myself jealous at all the things i want and cant have... and then i start it all over again...

pathetic really... much like this entry.

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press