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2005-01-01����2:24 p.m.
the face that will haunt me all year.

happy fucking new year... and what a year it has already been...

i started my day off hanging out with my friend tom who is home from germany until the 4th of january...
we went to the hot club so i could get my check and he could see one of the boys i work with that he is friends with... so we split a glass of champagne to him being home and to the summer comming fast so he can come home again.

i had a lite gin and tonic and mowed a hot dog and we were off to the liquor store so he could get some rum to make a super special german drink involving red wine and rum, lots of fruit and melted down cinnamon and sugar that you set a flame before drinking. i would have loved to take part in that but i am allergic to wine thou i have a deep love for it.

i dropped him off at his house around 5:30 so he could do a new years dinner with his family and then get ready for his plan of walking around the city with a bunch of other friends of ours...

i was invited and slightly tempted to go until i found out there would be a bottle of absinthe involved in the walking around and i just wasnt down for what that may lead to...

if you know me at all you could guess that i would be spending my new years at lili marlenes... the happiest place on earth... (and the darkest bar in providence 2 years running... and its only been open 2 years...)

after i dropped tom off i came home and had a little new years dinner myself consisting of a sausage, pepper and onion sandwitch, some chicken flavored egg noodles and a few godiva chocolates for dessert...

i got dressed up like i havent in a while in a leopard print dress with red lace trim and boots and i did my hair (instead of slinging it back in a pony tail) and i topped it all off with some siren red lipstick...

i got to the bar and i was only the 2nd person in there... it was still early... i think approaching 8:30pm.
i played a few games of pool and started the night off with a coke and some fries because i knew i had to drive later (my plans for hopping a ride with someone else fell thru) so i took it slow and easy having a total of 4 drinks from 9pm to 2 am and a champagne toast at midnight.

... the last game of pool... played at lili marlenes in 2004 was phenomenal...
and guess who won it...
i didnt even give the boy i was playing a chance to shoot... all of his balls on the table... it was a good enough break that one after the other after the other i knocked them in. it was the shortest game i had ever played and won...

so i didnt want to... its being a bad winner but i gloated and laughed and pointed at the table giggling and i even took a bow... BUT IT WAS THE LAST GAME OF THE YEAR!!!

so we all toast after that game that ended perfectly at 11:59pm. we count down and toast and hug and give kisses and smile and have a great time.

the next game of the night, the first one of 2005 was me... and mike s... the owner of lilis. hes a magnificant pool player and everyone knows it. i had beat him early in the night on my second game so i wasnt to worried about it... i felt i had a good chance. i played well but lost and i took it graciously and sat back down to talk with my friends... i decide its photo time and i take pictures and laugh and order another gin and tonic and i almost dropped my camera trying to get my lighter out... i grabbed really quci for it and caught it but in this, broke a nail that was nearing 3/4 of an inch...

i was whining about it and going on about how much it sucks... but whenever i get whiny and i think something sucks... someone shows me that i have nothing to complain about... and the night took a turn.

now you have to understand. first off... lilis is a very beautiful place to be... thou its dark dark dark, if you stay late enough and the lights come on you can tell what a beautiful crimson the walls are... you can see the perfection of the itatlian leather arm chairs and high backed cresent shaped booths... you can see the paintings and that every rivet on every chair is perfect... you see no dust anywhere and even in the shitty new england weather with the salt strewn all over the streets... you can see that the hard wood floors are kept perfect and that the pool table is divine... but there is a reason for this...
his name is mike sears.

he is a little obsesive compulsive and i dont make fun of him for it because i might as well be making fun of myself. i am a clean freak and everything must be in its place.
moving on... sears is very adamant about the doors being kept shut. you ALWAYS shut the door behind you. he has told people to not come back because on countless ocassions they walk in and leave the doors wide open. in all seriousness... hes just ocd.

so thats when i knew something wasnt right. i felt the door across from the room was open and expected to hear it slam shut... and i didnt... the wind was comming in and i only had a little dress on so i knew the door was still open and i looked, and i saw mike sears leave out that door... and leave it open... that when i flet it...

i got up and ran out the door with my lighter and cigarette still in hand that made me almost drop my camera 7 seconds ago.
i run out the door and there are 2 bloodied bodies laying still in the street. no one seemed to be doing anything and no one had seen what happened just seconds before. there were people saying... "they must have gotten into a fight..."
"look at all the blood... were they shot?"

and then i heard someone ask into the crowd...
"do we know their names?"

a guy pointed to one idle body and said... "thats sean richie and thats alex"

there was a lot more visable blood pouring off of bleach blonde pale skinned alex so there were 4 people around him but no one talking to sean. he was definitly unconsious when i kneeled in front of him on the yellow line in the street. all i could think to say was...
"sean... if you can hear me... you need to let me know. can you blink your eyes?
sean. just blink and let me know you hear my voice. sean... your ok... can you let me know you hear me... someone is on the way your going to have help really soon but i need you to let me know that you can hear me. can you open your eyes for me sean?"

me- calm. woah. and the most sober i think i have ever been.

i could hear the sirens comming up the street and thou in reality it took the less than 4 minutes it seemed like forever... i could hear them in the distance and i continued my plea.
"sean. they will be here any second but you have to let me know you can hear me..."

and then he moaned... the most ungodly sound ever. all he could do was moan. he sounded like a zombie. he just layed there and moaned and time seemed to stand so still... the sirens were getting closer but not fast enough... and then he opened his eyes. i could see he had no focus on anything... either from his head hitting the ground or from his body being in shock.
and then he caught sight of me and tried to lift his head. i tried to get him to lie still not knowing the extent of his injuries. he lifted his head and moaned at me like i was the one who did this to him and it made me shiver.

i begged him to put his head back down and he did... but he flipped it over and the half of his face he was laying on first was mangled. it was huge with swelling and blood was pouring out of every where... i watched 2 of his teeth fall out of his mouth.

the ambulance got there as soon as this happened and i said stood up to let the pros do their thing... as i started to stand he reached his hand out for me... all i could do was walk away. back on the curb i looked at the other, more coherent more bloody of the two and he was sitting up with a neck brace on smoking a cigarette and spitting out blood and teeth with every exhale.

as i tried to calm and walk back into the bar without shaking... i almost tripped over a headlight... a car had hit these boys so hard the head light left the car. and i bet the asshole was gone before they even hit the ground.

i went back inside and ordered a stiff gin and tonic and sat shaking. someone came in to announce that a man was in the street with the fire fighters and a car hit him... we heard the third ambulance pull up...

i layed in bed and all i could see was their faces and hear the blonde one asking "what just happened???
what the fuck just happened???"

so... i dont think ill complain next time i break a nail...

your always better off than someone else. recognize it and be thankful for it...

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press