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2004-09-04����1:32 p.m.
texas... here i come


im really overjoyed at the thought of it...

of getting out of providence.

of being away from work.

of being out of my house.

of taking an airplane.

of seeing new things.

of getting off my ass and doing something i have been talking about doing for so long.

but most of all...

i am pee-my-pants-happy that i get to visit Nathan "WOLFMAN" Harms.

hes one of my most favorite people in the whole world and i have never met him.

weve been talking for a few years... we met on HOT OR hilariously enough!

we have become such good friends that it will be great to finally give him a big hug and hold onto him and know he is not just a figment of my imagination.

we send mail to eachother all the time... (me to him more then him to me...) but he did bake and send me cookies. he draws me pictures and sends me photos.

this is going to be so much fun.

it will also be the farthest away from home ive ever been in the states.

im thinking after texas will be atlanta maybe california and then finally go back to scotland... the love of my life.

ahhahhahhahhahhhahaha ah ah ah ha h h ah ahhhah ah ah ah


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