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2004-04-27����11:34 p.m.
good week.... yuummmmmmm

humm... where to begin...

i got my tattoo!!! its so f-in hot if you ask me... if it wasnt on my back ... i would lick it... i keep trying and ending up with terrible charlie-horses and have to wear the big lamp shade collar to detur myself.

i love it.

i love my job! whodathunk that i could go from making $40 - $80- $10- $8.25- $140- $50 to $200 and $300 a day!!!

thats right kids... i made $500 for working 2 days last week. thats nuts!!!!!!! and it doing something that i love and is so much fun!

so... i kind of got my car fixed and my tattoo for free because..

car= $265

tattoo= $80 (including tip) so thats...









$155 is still more than i was making in 2 days... so basically... i had a kick ass week last week... then i worked friday and sunday which i usually dont and made some extra money... so i went and bought lots of cute underthings and some cheap pretty clothes. i had a good week... mostly... i am forgetting about the crap cause... its just not worth it =)

i fell out of the movie... its a skinned knee i can handle and im sure it wont scar. =)~

umm... thats about it...

ohhhh... im going to new york for 4 days! i have never been to new york and its upstate so i can get away from this city and avoid all the others that are way bigger than this one.

yay for me... ive got a smile on my face =)

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press