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2004-04-10����3:52 p.m.
i hate seeing people eat...

so, i have to say this and ill say it as vaguly as i possibly can as to not offend anyone...

i was watching a human from the female persuasion eating today. not because i wanted to... but because she was in my eye line.

i watched her shove (literal) handfulls of french fries in her mouth in between eating a bacon burger and salad. she was dipping her fries in mayo and she looked aroud for a napkin... when she didnt find one, she used a french fry to wipe the mayo ring from around her mouth...

i got her a napkin and she said (with the mayo ring back for the 5th time)

"thanks =) i was throughy enjoying that"

as to which i replied..

"your welcome. your grossing me out"

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