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2003-09-13����5:42 p.m.

so... i had to work today. i never work saturdays and i wasnt looking forward to it and i was 10 minutes late but... fuck em. i had an alright day. it was slow at fist and i just taked and goofed off with my girls (i usually work with the one person all day. ususally the same person for a few months and then it changes)

so i had a break and time went by fast after that. julie came in early for once and said "krissie, when your done with that can you come in the office with me?"

she was in a shitty mood when she walked in so i thought she found out the class im taking isnt a photography class but a bartending course that would help me to leave. she was just going over the list of people we have working and who is doing better and who is doing what. she was looking for a way to weasel her way out of work by telling em she was going to "sit in the mall and look over the store on my laptop and see if the will slack off the way they do when im not here."

thats fucking shitty. but i no longer care as i will say time and again because its not my job to care anymore.

so im home and bored, muscles aching and hungry. ive gone to cable almost (if not every) night this week waiting for richard so i could work on the dialogue for the script but he has a boyfriend now and has apparently dropped off the face of the earth.

so. my exciting plans for the night consist of feeding wendy and joes kitties and... thats all i got...

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