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2003-08-30����1:27 a.m.

yeah... 1:30am... and im home, alone and my jayson is packing to go on a killer camping trip. i want to go sooo badly and he knows it. but i wouldnt want to take me hiking either. i always have to pee like ALWAYS... and i unfortuantaly am a smoker. i would huff and puff up the moutain and complain about bugs and i dont have great hiking shoes. but i digress. i thought he was leaving tonight but hes not. 5am... which would also kill me. but again...

so i went and fed wendy and joes kitties while their at a wedding. played some chace the mouse on the fishing pole and tickle the kitten. then i went by cable car cuz they have midnight movies on friday and saturday and andrew works fridays but i guess no one showed up for the movie and he closed early cuz it was dark. so i decided i have nothing else to do. so i came home.

i have to express how disappointed in my goodbye. it was a little rushed and consisted of a few pecks in the dark hallway and a maybe ill call you monday. this is a test. but im going to ace it. there is no other choice. moping about wont fix anything. right?

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