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2003-05-26����8:40 p.m.
more blissful rambling....

...and i still have nothing to complain about... im elated and missing him again, but its boys night and i like the boys... and i like the girls too... jayson had plans last night and so we were going to split ways but they fell thru and his sister had invited us over. so we went and watched a bit of the deer hunter and talked and munched on yummy things melissa perpared and her fiance nathan lounged on the chouch and yolanda and dameon came upstairs and we all just hung out and had a great time... then jayson pepped everyone up to go bowling... and we also attained tim d who i worked with 3 years ago... and i dont think ive seen him in the last 2 years... so that was fun.

i just cant help but have a great time with him. hes amazing and he only surrounds himself with great people. which i adore... although i hate not being able to be near him... even for just the smell of his cologne... (which makes me drool and gives me goosebumps)

to hear his accents, him singing whatever is stuck in his head... for him to squeeze my hand till my finger hurts... for him to grab me by my jaw and face me toward him, point my face into the light and hold it there... i cant get enough of that. but, at the same time, to much of a good thing can ruin it... this way we can miss eachother.. which is a shitty feeling, but pays off in the end...

i cant even endulge you the way he does me... i am just... captured... holding in this safe, healthy, warm, comfortable, pleasureable, fun, extraodinary, coveting, smiling, loving, friendly place...

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press