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2003-05-07����7:21 p.m.
tee hee hee im a giggling girl

so, i have the flu.. its so much fun.. just thought id share that with you...

but, enough complaining, time for the gloating...

i went out with professa badessa yesta day... we went and saw a movie, he got stuck to the floor and i ate pop corn and gasped for breath after each handful... im so stuffy and not able to breathe easily... not out of my nose anyway... so then we went over to dave and busters and played a few games... we fought over who would pick what we would do once we left, we got in the car and he told me he wanted me to meet someone... so i met pixel and watched him snikker at a stick with feathers on the end (dont tell him its not a bird)... and carry around a crumpled up reciept... and watched his little paw reach over the edge of the bed trying to get that darn bird...

so then jayson hugged me with the most incrediable hug and said "your sick and you have to be to work early so im going to take you home... you need to rest" and i asked "what time is it?" he-"9:30" and i then convinced him to not take me home, but to go out bowling...

so... we did... and it was a friggin awesome time... nerd i am =)

he was "red monkey"... a story ill tell if you ask, about the first time we met and i was as he so cleverly named me... "scottish doom" because of my outfit... i wont devulge who won... but red monkey wants revenge... and then we did a little late night food shopping...

you can learn a lot...

a giant bag of kitty litter, italian bread (for those kitty litter sandwitches) organic carrots, errr... crackers, spring water, and other random bits... and he promised to have me in bed by midnight... but when we pulled up to my house at 11:55 story time started and we just talked and talked... i didnt want to go.but being the sweetheart he is he usherd me to my door... and that part is for me to remember and behold...

so i was working today, feeling good about myself, but like shit all thru my body, and talking to alayah (i apologize if i still spell your name wrong) and telling her what he looks like so she could scope him when she goes up tomorrow... but she didnt have to cuz he came up! he asked me to go over to this little space near the cookie and brownie window and he hands me 3 different types of cough drops, (because i conplained so much about the lemon ones i had last night) and some daffodils. then we talked for a minute about my day and the giant woman with a .5 iq and a child (save us lord)... then he hands me a letter, in the most georgus envelope, hand dyed it looked, by him, with a rose in the middle, and a letter which i will also sigh about to myself... and even with a nose clogged like a dam... i could smell him... he smells, delicious, all the time, and he smothered this letter in what ever it is he wears, and i was drooling, and making the other girls at work smell it and then turning into knock kneed krissie... but gosh, i would have never suspected this... not as good as it is...

i usually go for what i want... but he seemed so out of reach... so much the bigger better thing i could never attain... and to have him ask me to spend time with him... im flattered... smitten i would say... IM HAPPY... THIS IS WHAT I DESIRVE, LETTERS AND COUGH DROPS, SUPRISE VISITS AT WORK... THIS IS WHAT I DESIRVE...

so any insecurities, any doubts, ill throw away... ill use caution, he even said last night, "you dont NEED anyone... but there are certain people you allow into your life"

and no i dont NEED him... but i want him so bad...

"this is going to be good... this is going to be so good"

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press