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2003-02-23����10:29 p.m.

so, on top of my other 2 entries tonight, i decided that maybe reading other random diaries would make me feel better... well... ha. no.

why is it that every girl on this site seems to have an eating disorder? there were 4 diaries out of... probably 8 that i read were...

uh...i ate to much and then i threw up

oh...i ate pizza and cookies so i told my mom i had friends over and i made the parlor messy so i looked that way and then i went and thre up and slit my wrists...

nice girls. big inspiriation.

i know i have no pristine life... and i do complain that i only weigh 95 lbs... but im this way natrualy. im sick and i try to gain weight. but we are never satisfied with oursleves. but go stick a figner up your ass... its the same thing as far as im concerned. get over it. just live your life. dont purge and then try to kill yourself. your just crying for attention and your stupid.

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