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2002-12-26����9:43 p.m.
feel like reading my day?

andrew and i are no more... i havent done a real entry in so long so heres the skinny... we broke up last week... wednesday(18th), during my wopping 3 hour break when i was working 8am to midnight. it was good thou. he is so smart and caring and understanding... he helped a lot. i think i just realize he and i work well together but are not ment for eachother... im not looking to settle down or anything like that... i just dont want to waste his time... we brok up on wednesday and thursday morning he was on his was to maryland to see the first girl he ever had anything with... and i went to boston this weekend to see jake. i am so bipolar. i want and i want and i get and it confuses me... maybe not.. i just like the mystery. i like all the firsts and the newness and the unwrapping but after that i dunno what to do with it... (am i the only one?) boston was awsome... met some cool people, was almost convinced that my name was no longer krissie but "hey lady"...

"hey lady, commere"

"hey lady, you gonna come over again sometime?"

"hey lady, you gonna watch peggy hill with us?"

what a good kid. i dunno what else to say, i had a good x-mas (im sure you care so much) but i had a sucky morning today. we were told to expect between 5 and 10 inches of snow yesterday... i didnt... but it did sleety rain and vomit cold crystals all over everything... when i woke up (a tad late this morning) i looked out the windown expecting a white out... i was pleasntly suprised there was barely an inch on the ground, it was powdery snow and had drifted and settled so sme places were 2 inches, some 1/2 an inch... but i run out to my car 5 minutes before i have to be at work... i was going to be at least (my usual) 5 minutes late... nope, not today... as i slip in the worn down key to my cutlass ciera, i notice there is no range... the key wont budge, instantly i get red in the face (i have been losing my temper sooooo easy lately) i try to stay calm... walk to the other side of the car and try that lock, nothing... so i try driver, passanger, driver, passenger, everything over and over... finally, frozen (gloves in car) i storm into my house tears in my eyes, frustrated and tired (its about 8:15 am... less than one hour since i woke up) i start screaming to my smart mom that i cant get into my car... she thinks fast and runs my keys under scalding hot water... nothing, she comes out with a giant coffee can of scalding water... we pour it all over the lock feed it in with the hot key... blah blah blah for about 15 minutes... finally as my poor frozen mom was on the way into the house to get more water i scream that i got the passenger side un locked, i crawl in unlock and beat open the frozen driver side and THEN i get to clean off my car cuz my scraper was inside this whole time. i was 45 minutes late and i didnt feel my hand till about 9:30... ( i got there at 8:45)

so i had a grrrrrr morning. just a little story... oh and a smaller one... i thought this was funnie... hehhehehhe

so i am scooping ice cream for gift returning cell phone talking on fat middle age men... one guy, about 6' 8" walks up witha little girl, maybe 3". he has a coupon in his hand (i reciever these ones often) a big blue coupon that reads... "BUY ONE CUP OR CONE GET ONE FREE"

Me- hi, can i help you guys (trying to smile)

him- i have this (holds up coupon)

me-great, what can i get for you?

him-can i get a shake with this?

me-(0to bitch in .35 seconds)

no, its for cups or cones

him-im still going to get a cup but i want a shake too

me-it says cup or cone right on it

him-(mumbling and turnig his fat ass around in my full line) your not selling anything to me... gr,r,jdkhgkjhgjh....

ooh oooh oohh one more customer story...

i am calling the next person in line, i do this a lot, usually no one answers anyway... but i am calling for the next person in line and this guy pops out from behind the previous person being helped by someone else, he is dialing his cell phone in my line on the way over to give me his order... i am a pretty soft spoken person... i yell


i expected him to

1) get pissed and leave the line

2) approach me anyway either due to the ringing in one ear or that he was a bastard and didnt care how rude it was

but he steps aside giving me a dirty look and hangs up his phone... he got helped my the next avaliable person... as i am standing making a shake for the person i pulled from behind him, this awsome kid i work with goes... "hey krissie, you think cell phone guy drives an suv?

i said, most definitly, one of the biggest most annoying and he does so on the phone...

then i finsh my shake and bring it to my consumer.. cell phone guy os being run up before my customer... he makes sure to put a tip on the counter and slid it to the guy that waited on him. he says "put it in your pocket... no one here deserves it but you"

i piss people off a lot... i try... lord how i try. =)

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