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2002-09-24����7:42 p.m.
crazy car chase!!!!!!!!!

so, i have a few stories, i think i will do then one at a time or this will be the longest entry on earth.... now that i started it, i cant even remember one of my stories......oh heres one, from last night.... i dun feel like writing it all out again so here is in im form yay!!!!!!!!!!!

AppleFris: jesus christ!!!!!!!!!!!!

AppleFris: sorry

AppleFris: i was watching the news

AppleFris: so...

AppleFris: one of my stories i said i had last night starts like this

AppleFris: im sitting where but cable car...

AppleFris: nice, quiet, night

AppleFris: all of a sudden there is a cop speeding

(very long pause)

AppleFris: sorry

AppleFris: wendy called......

FRIEND hehe, john called :-p

FRIEND did you say "jesus christ"?

AppleFris: yeah

FRIEND you ok?

AppleFris: yeah

AppleFris: wendy is talking

FRIEND you gonna finish your story?

FRIEND oh sorry...


AppleFris: ok

AppleFris: sorry bout that

AppleFris: did you get up to speed?

AppleFris: bri?

FRIEND what?

AppleFris: did you read the rest of what i wrote?

FRIEND a while ago...

AppleFris: ok

AppleFris: just making sure

AppleFris: so a cop comes speeding down south main street and up the hill right next to cable car

AppleFris: then there are sirens coming from everywhere

AppleFris: up and down the hills between benefit, south main, and south water

AppleFris: so i am like what the hell is going on

AppleFris: i didn't see the first car but i saw the 15 cruisers that came flying down the hill a building away from me

AppleFris: and i heard the crash from the first car

AppleFris: well, i just saw the news

AppleFris: the story of what happened was on it

AppleFris: apparently, a guy and his girlfriend stole a car in narraganset

AppleFris: they drove to warren and robbed a red socks pitcher and stole his suv

AppleFris: (they caused 2 accidents by the time they got to providence)

AppleFris: then once in providence they end up on benefit

AppleFris: they go flying down that hill near cable car

AppleFris: as you know all the hills from south main to south water (below cable car)

AppleFris: are all ally type streets

AppleFris: well, they go to go flying down one of those and ram into the risd building that i am looking at

AppleFris: they go flying down and crash and there seriously were like 15 cop cars one after the other

AppleFris: it was CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!

FRIEND you saw it crash?

AppleFris: but i just saw it on the news

AppleFris: no

AppleFris: i heard it

FRIEND you said that you were looking at it

AppleFris: it crashed into the side of the building

AppleFris: i was looking at the front of the building

AppleFris: all of the kids came rushing out!

AppleFris: all of the cable car people came rushing out

AppleFris: what do i do????

AppleFris: where is that? where is my car, oh my god, please don't let that be my car!

AppleFris: (it wasn't....)

AppleFris: that was at night

FRIEND what night?

AppleFris: last night

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press