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2002-09-15����12:33 a.m.
hilarious mammals and featherd friends

i have some hilarious animals.... i have a not-so-exciting fat cat but she rocks... i have a even-less-exciting rabbit... i have 2 birds. an african grey parrot and a blue fronted amazon. the blue fronted is more annoying than anything else. he says some silly things like "commere" (come here) if you do, he'll bite you. "coffee" he loves dunkin donuts extra creme extra sugar. "i love you, chip please, chip chip chip, wiwie (willie, its his name)

but the other one, the african grey, his name is binky and he has a better vocab than i do. he knows every swear in the book, he even makes up his own combinations of them. like you say "asshole". he'll put that together with "shut the fuck up". now he says "shut the fuck up asshole". then he puts more things together. like, "drink of fresh water asshole" and "shut the drink up fresh water" but when he does say "drink of fresh water" he knows he will get clean water. he says "feed me im hungry" and he means it. he orders chinese food. he hears it so much that if he hears you mention ordering it, or gett he menu for golden palace... "hello, yes, can i have, C1, pork fried rice, chicken teriaki...thats it, ok, alright, ok, thanks...bye" hes so silly. but the thing i think is really really hilarious is that the 2 parrots scream sooooo loud. ear piercing screaches. thats not the hilarious part. the funnie part is... when they do it we all scream at them to shut up. SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM..... and binky the afr. grey picks up on anything so quickly... (side note: i once had a party at my house for the weekend when my parents were out of town... my friends wanted to try to teach him to say something... they just so happened to all agree on "gay anal butt sex" this started on friday. sunday, sitting at my table with my dad.... the bird says it i start dying. my dad cant deciher it, it takes me 3 weeks to break him of it.) so, they scream, we scream back, if willie is yelling, binky is telling him to "shut the fuck up asshole bird". but the even more hilarous thing... you can hear it for up to a block away from my house. so not only do you hear this god awful screaming from some unknown source, you hear a bunch of humans with mouths like truck drivers. i realized this when i was trying to have a conversation in my back yard and my sister was on the computer near the window, the neighbors were outside teaching a kid how to ride a tricycle, and the bird starts losing it and my sister does too... it sounds like we are killing small childern in here.... it was hilarious.... and then as if that wasnt enough, i have a hairless dog. well, she has hair, on her head, tail and legs but other than that naked as a newborn. cept, she is grey with a pink bellie and grey spots on it. her hair is white, and if thats not silly enough... right now, she is running around the house in a micky mouse t-shirt. she is a toy dog so it is a baby t-shirt. shes so cute. and she likes to eat poo... and she is afraid of giraffes. =)

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