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oooh yay... another year... - 2006-01-02

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2002-08-29����1:43 a.m.
W the detective...

i ve been found out... i told myself this was going to be a diary away from diary but W the sleuth found it... i cant blame i would want to know. she spit it out... i make fun of people who talk without thinking...she just plop... right out... " do you want me to make you a template?" i said " i have one" she asked "why havent you put it up?" i said " found it..."

we laughed. it was hilarious.. so here you go W. you obsidianfrog you. i hope you get a little more insight that normally maybe i cant express and when i am draging ass around the store more than usual you'll know'll know everything. mwah

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yesterday's news����������������hot off the press